Asean Political Security Community Apsc

Asean political security community apsc one vision one identity one community.
Asean political security community apsc. One vision one identity one community. 20 th asean political security community apsc 214 on 2 november 2019 h e. To accelerate economic growth social progress and cultural development in the region through joint endeavours in the spirit of equality and partnership in order to strengthen the foundation for a prosperous and peaceful community of southeast asia. This regional legal framework along with its corresponding plan of action will address the issue of trafficking in persons in a more effective and efficient manner.
Asean political security community apsc especially women and children actip was signed by the asean leaders at the 27th asean summit in 2015. Asean political security community. This issue takes a snapshot of asean s journey as political security community in 2018 and provides a glimpse of what can be expected in 2019 as asean evolves as an organization. To build on what has been constructed over the years in the field of political and security cooperation the asean leaders have agreed to establish the asean political security community apsc.
Asean s journey as a political and security community the asean secretariat has released the maiden issue of the asean political security community apsc outlook. Fact sheet on asean political security community apsc the bangkok declaration of 8 august 1967 that established asean declared among others the following which remain relevant for asean political and security cooperation. It is envisaged that the asean political security community by 2025 shall be a united inclusive and resilient community where the asean peoples shall live in a safe harmonious and secure environment embrace the values of tolerance and moderation as well as uphold asean fundamental principles shared values and norms. Seven years of implementation of the asean political security community apsc blueprint 2009 2015 has cemented the foundation of the apsc by deepening and expanding asean political and security cooperation and strengthening asean capacity in responding to regional and international challenges.
Asean community asean political security community apsc asean economic community aec asean socio cultural community ascc. Asean political security community apsc 4 asean potitical security community apsc the apsc seeks to further strengthen partnership and cooperation between asean and its dialogue partners sectoral dialogue partners development partner and other external parties including regional and international organisations.