Consulate General Of Malaysia Chennai

The malaysian consulate in chennai supports indian citizens through its consular services if they.
Consulate general of malaysia chennai. In the case that you are not able to arrange an appointment through the website you can contact the consulate in chennai by telephone 91 44 2433 4434 5 6 or email malchennai kln gov my. The con sulate gen eral of malaysia for south ern india is one of the three mis sions of malaysia in india fo cus ing on malaysian in ter ests in the re gion. 9 00 a m 5 00 p m public holidays. Saturday sunday and public holiday.
The consulate general of malaysia in chennai is located at no 7 old no 3 cenotaph road 1st street teynampet and can be contacted by telephone on 44 2433 4434 to 6 as well as by email mwchennai kln gov my. Need general or specific info regarding malaysia economy culture sports education and more. 091 44 24334434 091 44 24334435 091 44 24334436. It is lo cated in chen nai and its ju ris dic tion in cludes the states of tamil nadu andhra pradesh kar nataka ker ala and the union ter ri tory of puducherry.
The consulate of malaysia in chennai can inform you about the scope of services they offer. The consulate general of malaysia for southern india is one of the three missions of malaysia in india focusing on malaysian interests in the region. It is located in chennai and its jurisdiction includes the states of tamil nadu andhra pradesh telangana karnataka kerala and the union territory of puducherry.